General Athleticism sets the foundation for learning sport skills. Athleticism is: Agility, Balance, and Coordination. Sport participation alone...More
General Athleticism sets the foundation for learning sport skills. Athleticism is: Agility, Balance, and Coordination. Sport participation alone does not develop general athletic skills or fitness. The best ages to develop the ABC's (Agility, Balance, and Coordination) is during preadolescents ages 7-12.
Moo Athletic Development (MAD) class goal is to expose young athletes to a wide variety of physical fitness skills, thus stimulating healthy development and increasing their functional capacities, strength, motor abilities, eye-hand coordination, balance, and knowledge base. Running, jumping, leaping, hopping, rolling, crawling, racing, chasing in a MAD class is fun and will prepare youth for participation in sports. No amount of corrective exercise, sport specific work or guru training can overcome a lack of MOOvement efficiency.
Chad Miller, Moo Owner and General Manager and current member of the Creighton University baseball staff will direct the class. Chad has over 25 years of training athletes for high performance. Chad was previously a GPAC Coach of the Year while Head Coach of the Midland University Baseball Program and is the all time coaching wins leader at Viterbo University. He was a previous D1 athlete at the University of Florida and has dedicated his life to helping athletes perform better.
Good MOOvers are easy to teach sports specific skills. MAD is designed to help youth be an ATHLETE first and can help reduce injuries. MAD classes will take into account the developmental needs of young athletics by creating a fun and energetic environment in which they can lay the foundation for their Long Term Athletic Development. This class may just be the most fun a young athletes can have, so let's get MOOving!
WHO: Grades 3-6
WHERE: Fremont Family YMCA Turf Room
- Monday's 6-7 PM (Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27) (Feb. 3, 10)
- Wednesday's 5:30-6:30 PM (Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29) (Feb. 5, 12)
- Monday's Only - $100 members / $110 non-members
- Wednesday's Only - $90 members / $100 non-members
- Full Program - $179 members / $199 non-members